The Boiling points of Kashmir and the Mohajir Movement in Pakistan.

July 23, 2016

PoK citizens and Indian root Mohajirs challenge the entity of Pakistan.

Dreaming Kashmir out of India? Worry about Karachi going against Pakistan….. 

Mijanur Rahaman – Alertpak News Agency – Karachi – 23 July 2016. 

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Police and Secret Service personnel had to intervene to physically separate Mohajir protesters and Pakistan military loyalists after a demonstration in front of the White House on Saturday (23/07/2016) by the Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM), which mostly represents ethnic Pakistani migrants from India, turned into a fracas.

In the Saturday evening protest outside the White House, MQM workers claimed that the government was targeting the people of Karachi because they supported their party.

They also urged lawmakers to raise the issue in the US Congress and also with visiting Pakistani officials “to end the atrocities being committed against Mohajirs”.

Refugees mainly from  Karachi  and Lahore most of them are of Indian roots protested against genocide, extrajudicial killings, serious violations of human rights. The MQM leader Altaf Hussain’s speech and statements was broadcast by whatsapp and video conferencing. 

مہاجر کارکنان نے ہر کڑے وقت میں تحریکی جدوجہد کو جاری رکھا ہے اور اس راستے میں اپنی جانیں بھی قربان کی ہیں، آج کا عظیم الشان مظاہرہ ثابت کرتا ہے کہ قوم نے اپنا واضح فیصلہ کرلیا ہے، ندیم نصرت
عالمی دہشت گرد جو اقوام عالم کو مطلوب ہوتا ہے وہ یا تو پاکستان میں مارا جاتا ہے یا پاکستان سے برآمد ہوتا ہے ، دہشت گردوں اور انکے حمائتیوں کو ہر طرح کی ٓزادی اور سرپرستی حاصل ہے جبکہ مہاجرقوم کے لئے پابندیاں اورانکی نسل کشی ہے۔ متین یوسف 
A large demonstration of MQM workers from all across US marched in front of the White House after a party convention held in Washington DC that was addressed via video link by MQM chief Altaf Hussain , who has been in exile in London for nearly two decades. Hussain and his followers exhorted the Obama administration to intervene to stop the “rampant killing” of Mohajirs in Karachi by the Punjabi-dominated Pakistani military. Hussain, who is completely blacked out in the Pakistani media and is considered a fugitive by the Pakisani establishment, urged the “mother of all democracies” to take note of the excesses of the Pakistani army that has resulted in the “cold-blooded murder” of thousands of party activists.
Maintaining that MQM was the only liberal, secular political party in Pakistan, he urged the Obama administration to send observers to Karachi to monitor the human rights violations+ , arguing if Washington can do it for other countries, it should do so for Pakistan to
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متحدہ قومی موومنٹ امریکہ کے زیرا ہتمام واشنگٹن ڈی سی میں پنسلوانیا اسٹریٹ ، وہائٹ ہاؤس کے سامنے عظیم الشان مظاہرہ کیا گیا۔ مظاہرے کے شرکاء نے کراچی میں جاری مہاجر کش آپریشن کے دوران غیر قانونی چھاپوں، گرفتاریوں، سرکاری عقوبت خانوں میں وحشیانہ تشدد، سیاسی وفاداریوں کی تبدیلی کے لئے دباؤ، انسانی حقوق کی سنگین خلاف ورزیوں، جنگی جرائم ، مہاجر کارکنان کے ماورائے عدالت قتل ایم کیو ایم کے قائد الطاف حسین کی تقاریر ، تصاویر اور بیانات کے نشرو اشاعت پر غیر آئنی پابندیوں، مہاجر عوم اور بالخصوص انکی واحد نمائندہ جماعت ایم کیو ایم کے خلاف جاری مجرمانہ متعصبانہ آپریشن کے خلاف اپناپرامن اور شدید احتجاج ریکارڈ کرایا ۔مظاہرے میں یم کیو ایم کے کنوینر ندیم نصرت ، ، ایم کیو ایم امریکہ کے سینٹرل آرگنائزر متین یوسف، اراکین سینٹرل آرگنائزنگ کمیٹی شمیم صدیقی، عارف صدیقی، کامران حیدر محفوط حیدری، جنید فہمی، گل محمد اور فرحین رضوی، کمیونیکیشن اینڈ میڈیا سیل، واشنگٹن، رچمنڈ، بالٹیمور، نیویارک، نیو جرسی، فلاڈلفیا، شکاگو، ڈیٹرائٹ، ہیوسٹن، سان انتونیو، ڈیلاس، آسٹن، اٹلانٹا، فلوریڈا، لاس اینجلز، البقرقی اور سان فرانسسکو سمیت امریکہ کی بیس سے زائدریاستوں کے مختلف شہروں سے کارکنان وذمہ داران سمیت واشنگٹن کے قرب وجوار کی ریاستوں سے ہمدردوں بشمول بزرگ، خواتین اور بچوں نے بہت بڑی تعداد میں شرکت کی۔ٓاحتجاجی مظاہرے سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے ایم کیو ایم کے کنوینر ندیم نصرت نے مظاہرے کے شرکاء کو شاندار لفاظ میں خراج تحسین پیش کیا اور کہا کہ جب جب ایم کیو ایم پر برا وقت آیاکارکنان نے ہی تحریکی جدوجہد کو جاری رکھا ہے اور اس راستے میں اپنی جانیں بھی قربان کردیں ہیں۔ انہوں نے کہاکہ وائٹ ہاؤس کے سامنے عظیم الشان مظاہرہ بت ثابت کردیا ہے کہ قوم نے اپنا واضح فیصلہ کرلیا ہے اور وہ حق پرستانہ جدوجہد کی راہ میں آنے والی ہر مشکل سے نمٹنے کیلئے تیار ہے ۔ انہوں نے ایم کیو ایم کا سب سے بڑا قصور یہ ہے کہ اسنے باطل قوتوں کی جانب سے ہر پر کشش پیشکش کو ٹھکرایا اور بکنے وجھکنے سے انکار کیا ہے یہی وجہ ہے کہ ایم کیو ایم اور اس کی قیادت روز اول سے ہی مقتدر قوتوں کی معتوب ٹھہری ہے اور اسی پاداش میں ایم کیو ایم اور اس سے وابستہ کروڑوں مہاجروں کو دیوار سے لگایا جا رہا ہے۔ انھوں نے کہا جو ظلم اور بربریت ایم کیو ایم اور مہاجروں پر گزشتہ کئی دہائیوں سے جاری اس کی ماضی میں کوئی مثال نہیں ملتی۔ پاکستان کی نام نہاآزادی کے ۶۸ برسوں نے جمہوری اور آمریت دونوں ہی دوور دیکھے ہیں او ر ہر دور میں مہاجر قوم کے ساتھ استحصالی رویہ روا رکھا گیا ہے مگر کے ماضی تمام تر ظلم و ستم کے باوجود ایسا کبھی نہیں ہوا کہ کسی عوامی لیڈر کی تقریر و بیانات اور تصاویر کی اشاعت و نشریہ پر بابندی لگائی گئی ہو یہ ظلم بھی صرف مہاجروں اور انکی نمائندہ قیادت کے ساتھ ہی ہوا ہے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ ملا عزیز اور حافظ سعید جیسے لوگ جو دنیا کو مطلوب اور طالبان قوتوں کے حمایتی و سہولت کار ہیں ،جو پاکستان کے آئین اور پاکستان کے منکر ہیں جن کے اشارے اور کہنے پر پاک افواج کے جوانوں کو گولیاں برساکر قتل کیا گیا وہ آج بھی آزاد گھوم رہے ہیں لیکن پابندیاں صرف جناب الطاف حسین، ایم کیو ایم اور اسکی فلاحی سرگرمیوں کیلئے ہیں۔
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مظاہرے کے شرکاء سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے سینٹرل آرگنائزر متین یوسف نے کہا کہ پاکستان اور اسکے وسائل پر قابض قوتوں نے اپنی ذاتی منفعت کیلئے پاکستان کے مفاد کو بالائے طاق رکھتے ہوئے اپنی مخصوص پالیسیوں سے پاکستان کو تباہ و برباد کردیا ہے۔حال یہ ہے کہ پاکستان اور دنیا بھر میں ہونے والے دہشت گردی کے واقعات کا تعلق پاکستان سے نہ صرف جوڑا بلکہ اس حوالے سے پاکستان کو مذہبی انتہا پسندوں کی جنت قراردیا جاتا ہے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ عالمی دہشت گرد جو اقوام عالم کو مطلوب ہوتا ہے یا تو پاکستان میں مارا جاتا ہے یا پاکستان سے برآمد ہوتا ہے۔ دہشت گرد اور انکے حمایتی و سہولت کاروں کو چندہ جلسہ سمیت تو ہر طرح کی ٓزادی اور سرپرستی حاصل ہے جبکہ مہاجرقوم کے لئے پابندیاں اور نسل کشی ہے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ ہم ایک بار پھر یہ واضح کردینا چاہتے ہیں کہ متحدہ قومی موومنٹ پاکستان کی واحد حقیقی سیکولر، لبرل اور ترقی پسند جماعت ہے جو پاکستان کو قائد اعظم محمد علی جناحؒ کا حقیقی پاکستان بنانا چاہتی ہے اور اس ہی لئے ایم کیو ایم پاکستان کو مسائل سے نکالنے اور ریاست کے استحکام سمیت اسے معاشی ترقی کے سفر پر ڈالنے کیلئے بطور ایک لبرل اور باشعور سیاسی جماعت اپنا ہمیشہ مثبت کردار ادا کرتی رہی ہے ۔ ہمارا یہ یقین ہے کہ حق آنے کیلئے اور باطل مٹ جانے کیلئے ہے۔ اور وہ دن دور نہیں جب باطل کا سورج غروب ہمیشہ ہمیشہ کیلءئے غروب ہوجائے گا ۔قبل ازیں مظاہرین نے کراچی میں رینجرز اور دیگر قانون نافذ کرنے والے اداروں کی جانب سے گزشتہ تین سالوں سے جاری مہاجر کرش آپریشن میں انسانی حقوق کی خالف ورزیوں، کے خلاف شدید احتجاج و نعرہ بازی کی۔ مظاہرین نے اپنے ہاتھوں میں پلے کارڈ اور بینرز تھامے ہوئے تھے جس پر ماورائے عدالت ہلاکتوں، مہاجر کارکنان کی جبری گمشدگیوں، ایم کیو ایم کے قائد کی تقریر و بیانات پر پابندی کے خلاف نعرے درج تھے جبکہ بعض شرکاء نے ایم کیو ایم کے ماورائے عدالت قتل کئے جانے والے کارکنان کی تشدد ذدہ تصاویر پر مشتمل پلے کارڈز بھی تھامے ہوئے تھے۔ شدید ترین گرمی اور حبس کے باوجود ایم کیو ایم کے مظاہرین کا جذبہ اور جوش و خروش خصوصاََ بزرگوں، خواتین اور بچوں کی استقامت قابل تحسین تھی جو شدید ترین گرمی م

میں بھی احتجاجی مظاہرے میں عزم وحوصلے کے ساتھ شریک تھے۔ مظاہرے کی کوریج کیلئے پاکستانی پرنٹ اور الیکٹرانک میڈیا کے ساتھ ساتھ مقامی میڈیا کی بھی بڑی تعداد موجود تھی۔میں بھی احتجاجی مظاہرے میں عزم وحوصلے کے ساتھ شریک تھے۔ مظاہرے کی کوریج کیلئے پاکستانی پرنٹ اور الیکٹرانک میڈیا کے ساتھ ساتھ مقامی میڈیا کی بھی بڑی تعداد موجود تھی۔

Hussain promised to visit the US in October after heightened MQM activity here, amid speculation that he might shift base after difficulties in London, where Pakistani establishment loyalists and his followers have clashed violently.

Key MQM leaders like Farooq Sattar and Babar Ghauri have been visiting the US lately to sensitise Pakistan experts in Washington (many of whom see the Army as a stabilising force) of the developments in Karachi.

But, supporters of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League (PML) and Pakistan Tehrik-iInsaaf (Imran Khan’s party) see Mohajirs as traitors and fifth columnists, and allege they are controlled by Indian intelligence agency RAW .
They forcefully countered the MQM protest, and slogans and counter slogans ensued as the two sides advanced towards each other before police intervened. The demonstrations were far larger than the ones by Khalistani activists and Kashmiri separatists, who Indian activists say are backed by Pakistan’s intelligence agency ISI.
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While India has had its share of embarrassment overseas arising from the situation in Kashmir, it appears Pakistan has even greater problems, with both Mohajirs and Baloch groups overseas indicating that all is not well in the fractious country .

Actually, the people of Kashmir are also frustrated on the Pakistan Govt running an illegal truce there without taking developmental there.
Rahul Sinha, an executive reporter of ZEE NEWS published an interesting report on POK some days before, where many of POK resident wished to join India as they think POK is an integral part of India.
When a news entitled as “Waiting for the day Kashmir becomes part of Pakistan: Nawaz Sharif” hit the Indian media, there are also the news like PoK erupts in protests over oppressive rule by Pakistan” or “Anti-Pakistan protest erupts in PoK” etc. are highlighted as anti-Pakistan propaganda in POK.
The Indian Media has a habit to POK matters in a critical light. The leaders from Pakistan occupied Kashmir raised human rights issues at a side event in the United Nations during the 28th session of Human Rights Council in Geneva in 2015 [Zee News]. The serious violation of HR in POK has attracted the attention of various forums in international levels. [Zee News].  Exiled leaders from PoK, Gilgit-Baltistan blamed then on  Pak for human rights violations. [News X]. The agitation in Muzaffarabad, the capital of POK has been a volatile spot for Pakistan.  [Zee News].
These are the boiling points of Kashmir and the Mohajir in Pakistan as  Indian root Mohajirs challenge the entity of Pakistan and the citizens of POK are ready to reject the Pak domination there.

Suicidal Islamic blast kills 13+ Peshawar funeral prayer in Pakistan

March 12, 2012

Read: Death toll from Peshawar blast rises to 15 : Dawn News update.

At least 13 killed in blast at Peshawar funeral prayer, injuring more than 20…. 

ISLAMABAD |11 Mar 2012 | IANS: Thirteen people were killed Sunday when a huge explosion ripped through a funeral prayer being held in Pakistan’s Peshawar city. The deputy speaker of the provincial assembly left the spot minutes before the blast.

The explosion occurred during funeral prayers in Budh Bher area in Peshawar, the capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

The deafening explosion spread panic in the area, with the wounded crying out in pain.

Reports varied on the number of injured. While one media report put the figure at 29, another said 31 people were left bloodied.

Geo News reported that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly Deputy Speaker Khushdil Khan, who also attended the prayers, had left the spot minutes before the blast.

The bomb exploded near a graveyard Dawn quoted police officer Kalam Khan as saying.

Xinhua cited a TV report as saying that the bomb was mounted on a motorcycle.

The area where the bombing took place is known for anti-Taliban ‘Lashkars’ (volunteers) who support security forces against the militants. It was not clear if any leaders of the peace committee who are routinely targeted by the militants attended the funeral.

A little over a week back, an intelligence official was fatally shot in Peshawar.

On March 2, gunmen opened fire at Bashir Khan, an Intelligence Bureau inspector who was on his way to work on his motorcycle. His 13-year-old son was injured in the ambush.

Pakistan is battling militants, who have viciously struck back.

On Feb 24, three policemen were killed and six injured when three heavily armed suicide attackers went on a shooting spree and hurled grenades at a police station in Peshawar. Hours later, a suspected terrorist was injured while planting a bomb.

The brazen attack was carried out a day after a deadly car bomb killed over a dozen people and injured more than 20 in the city.

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Relatives mourn the death of a suicide attack victim at a hospital in Peshawar (AFP, A Majeed)

Blast Hits Funeral in Peshawar Pakhtunkhwa, Kills 13 & Wounds 31… Reuters reports:

Bomb targets Peshawar bus station…Dawn reports:

Courtesy: AFP | Reuters | Dawn | Agencies.

Heinous Talibans assassinated a senior journalist in Pakistan.

January 18, 2012

Journalist Atif was praying when men fired at him thrice, one of bullets pierced his body and injured Imam also.

Pakistan Taliban admit killing reporter MK Atif

18 January 12 18:33 GMT || BBC.

Mukarram Khan Atif

The Taliban in Pakistan have said they killed a journalist while he was praying in a mosque near the city of Peshawar on Tuesday.

Mukarram Khan Atif – who worked for the Voice of America broadcasting service – was shot in the head by attackers on a motorcycle who fled from the scene.

His death has been condemned by his employers and by campaigning groups.

The Reporters Without Borders campaign group say Pakistan was the deadliest country for journalists in 2011.

Last year, 10 journalists were killed there as a result of their work, the group says.


Mr Atif – who was based in the Mohmand tribal region – was reported to be among several reporters in the area who had been receiving threats because of his work.

A bystander who was with him at the time of the attack was seriously injured.

Mr Atif was buried on Wednesday in his home town of Shabqadar.

A spokesman for the militants told the BBC that he was shot dead for not conveying the Taliban’s point of view.

The spokesman said that he had been warned many times before for not telling their side of the story.

The BBC’s Syed Shoaib Hasan in Karachi says that the Taliban had warned of dire consequences in recent propaganda statements and videos.

The militants said that they would attack facilities and employees of media organisations if they did not refrain from what they called “malicious propaganda”.

Our correspondent says that it is the first time that the militants have accepted responsibility for such a killing.

Mr Atif, 40, complained that he had received threats from militants in Mohmand several months ago and had moved away from there to the nearby town of Charsadda.

In a statement, Voice of America (VOA) said that he had been working for its Deewa Radio service since 2006.

“Mr Atif risked his life on a daily basis to provide his audience with fair and balanced news from this critical region and we mourn the loss of our colleague,” VOA Director David Ensor said.

It said that the murdered reporter also worked for local TV stations in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Area, a region where Taliban and al-Qaeda militants are active.

HRCP condemns Charsadda journalist killing

 January 18, 2012 || The Express Tribune.

The Talibans admit killing of Journalist MK Atiff, pictured here and say more Journalists will be targeted soon.

LAHORE: The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan has condemned the assassination of a journalist in Charsadda and expressed concern that despite official assurances, journalist killings have continued across the country.

Mukarram Khan Atif, who worked for the Voice of America among other media organisations, was gunned down on Tuesday by Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) militants who said that the journalist was killed for creating anti-Taliban propaganda in the foreign media.

It is exceedingly unfortunate that despite repeated assurances by the government to protect journalists, a senior journalist was killed, said a HRCP statement released on Wednesday. “The TTP’s acceptance of responsibility for the ghastly deed and its admission that the victim was targeted for his professional work underlines the perils journalists are increasingly being exposed to.”

At least 17 journalists and media workers were killed in Pakistan in 2011, the HRCP said, and one has already been killed in the first month of 2012. “That Pakistan is a perilous place for journalists is old news, since we have been labelled the most dangerous country in the world for a few years running now. All indications suggest that this too would be a bad year for Pakistani journalists.”

Mentioning Interior Minister Rehman Malik’s advice to journalists last year that they should arm themselves for their own safety, the HRCP said that journalists and civil society still expects that authorities should show more resolve in protecting journalists and tracking down their killers.

“The government must realise that if it has tried anything to ensure protection for journalists, it clearly has not worked. It is not entirely unreasonable for journalists to question the government’s commitment to protecting them in view of its failure to bring to justice the killers of even one of the many journalists killed during its tenure,” the statement said.

Blast near Shia Muslim procession in central Pakistani town of Khanpur, killing 20 and wounding 30

January 17, 2012

Eighteen people were killed in a blast at a Chehlum precession in Khanpur‚ district Rahim Yar Khan   Pakistan Radio.

Eighteen people were killed and more than thirty others injured in a blast at Chehlum procession in Khanpur‚ district Rahim Yar Khan on Sunday, 15th January, 2012.

Eighteen people were killed and more than thirty others injured in a blast at Chehlum procession in Khanpur‚ district Rahim Yar Khan on Sunday.

The twenty-two injured persons have been shifted to Sheikh Zaid Hospital Rahim Yar Khan.

The DPO Rahim Yar Khan said there is possibility of a bomb blast and bomb disposal squad is investigating the matter.

President Asif Ali Zardari‚ Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani‚ Information Minister Dr.Firdous Ashiq Awan and Interior Minister Rehman Malik have strongly condemned the blast.

Meanwhile‚ Chief Minister Punjab Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif has announced compensation of half million rupees each for the heir of dead persons and one hundred thousand rupees for the injured persons.

Pakistan bomb blast leaves 18 dead

Homemade bomb explodes near Shia Muslim procession in central Pakistani town of Khanpur, killing 18 and wounding 30, Sunday 15 January 2012 12.19

A suspected home-made bomb exploded near a Shia Muslim procession in the central Pakistani town of Khanpur.

A homemade bomb has exploded near a Shia Muslim procession in the central Pakistani town of Khanpur, killing 18 people and wounding 30, according to police officials.

The remote-controlled bomb was planted near an electricity pole, said Sohail Chattha, the area’s police chief. He said it was set off as the procession approached.

“There was a loud explosion a few yards from the procession and we all scrambled to get away,” said Imran Iqbal, who was in the procession. “Debris was everywhere and a cloud of dust engulfed us. Many people died on the spot.”

Processions of Shia Muslims, who make up about 20% of Pakistan’s population, have often been attacked by militant Sunni groups who consider them apostates of Islam.

Sunday’s procession was in observance of Arbain, or Chehlum, one of the main religious observances in the Shia calendar.

Sectarian strife between Pakistan’s majority Sunni and minority Shia militants has intensified since Sunni militants deepened ties with al-Qaida and Pakistani Taliban insurgents after Pakistan joined the US-led campaign against militancy after the 9/11 attacks on America.

Report from Other Source : Chehlum procession blast leaves 20 dead in Khanpur.

 Source Courtesy : Reuters | The Nation Pak | SANA | The Guardian.

Pak Terrorists kill 35 in Jamrud injuring 6o others by remote-controlled IED blast. Both sides (the attackers & the victims) shouted Allah-ho-Akbar.

January 10, 2012

Rescue workers go through the wreckage of damaged vehicles at the site of a bomb explosion in Jamrud bazaar, about 25 km west of Peshawar in northwest Pakistan January 10, 2012.—Reuters Photo

Blast kills 35 in Jumrad (Khyber agency)  injuring 6o others.

PESHAWAR || Tuesday 10th January 2012 ||  Safar 15, 1433: A remote-controlled bomb blast killed 35 people and wounded more than 60 others on Tuesday in a tribal region of northwest Pakistan Tuesday in the deadliest such attack in months, officials said.

The explosion took place in a market in Jamrud, one of the towns of the troubled Khyber tribal region, which also used to serve as the main supply route for Nato forces operating in Afghanistan.

“The total number of deaths in the blast is 35 while 69 people were wounded, and of them the condition of 11 is critical,” a senior administration official, Shakeel Khan Umarzai, told AFP.

Another top official in Khyber, Mutahir Zeb, said the target of the attack was not immediately clear.

“According to initial information, it was a remote controlled device planted in a passenger pickup van,” he said.

There were about 120 bomb attacks in Pakistan in 2011 and the same number in 2010 according to an AFP tally – an increase from 2009, but far below the violence of 2009 when there were more than 200 bomb blasts.

The BBC’s Aleem Maqbool: “Pakistanis over the last couple of years have become used to atrocities like this”

Jamrud target

The frequency of high-profile bombings has decreased in Pakistan over the past year. This is the bloodiest attack since a suicide bomber killed at least 40 people at a mosque, also in Jamrud, in August last.

Jamrud has been the target of several major blasts in recent years.

No group has said it carried out this latest attack as yet.

The BBC’s M Ilyas Khan in Islamabad says the Jamrud area is dominated by the Kukikhel branch of the Afridi tribe, who have organised a militia to fight a local faction of the Taliban.

Several militant groups fighting the government are active in Khyber region, which is close to the Afghan border.

Although the target of this attack has not been confirmed, one report suggests members of the anti-Taliban militia were in the vicinity when the blast took place.

Pakistan is a key US ally in the fight against militancy in the region and its army has carried out several offensives against militants in their tribal strongholds.

Correspondents say there has been recent media speculation about peace talks between elements of the Taliban and the Pakistani government. But militants denied such talks, saying they would take revenge if the army continued to carry out attacks against them.

On Monday, at least 10 paramilitary troops, who had been abducted late last year, were found shot dead in neighbouring Orakzai tribal region.

Courtesy & Input : Dawn | BBC | Reuters | AFP | Agencies.

Peace be Upon All. #Alertpak# has been returned in the web again. Inshallah…

January 10, 2012

Due to prolonged illness of this blogger you were not alerted by our part for last quarter of the 2011. In the new year of 2012, we have decided to run this blog jointly with our friends once again. We have started a new page in the  name “PAKISTAN DAILY TERROR DIGEST” , which will give you a current account of the Terror Trips by our Peace Loving Terrorist Brothers !

What may we do while Allah made them all insane !!!! This is maintained in this way.

List of Islamic Peace (Terror) Attacks in Pakistan on and from 01-01-2012.







2012.01.10 Pakistan Jamrud 35 69 Three dozen people waiting in line at a gas station are torn to pieces by Islamist bombers.
2012.01.09 Pakistan Dabori 10 0 The bodies of ten local troops, abducted during a Taliban raid, are found brutally beheaded.
2012.01.05 Pakistan Thal 16 0 Sixteen captured Pakistani troops are brutally tortured and executed by Tehrik-e-Taliban fundamentalists.
2012.01.04 Pakistan Bhittaiabad 1 0 A woman is strangled, shot and then burned to death by her brother-in-law on suspicion of immoral behavior.
2012.01.04 Pakistan Bara 1 1 Lashkar-i-Islam kill a defender in an assault on a village.
2012.01.04 Pakistan Warki 1 0 Islamic hardliners behead a former peace committee leader.
2012.01.04 Pakistan Mansehra 1 0 A ‘disloyal’ woman is honor killed by her husband for refusing to divorce.
2012.01.03 Pakistan Peshawar 2 19 A bomb planted on a motorcycle near an internet cafe leaves two dead.
2012.01.03 Pakistan Landi Kotal 3 7 Three people are left dead when Abdullah Azzam Brigade bombers target a market.
2012.01.03 Pakistan Shalkanabad 1 1 A married woman is shot to death by her father-in-law on a rumor that she was seen talking to another man.
2012.01.01 Pakistan Bajaur 1 3 Islamic bombers take out a 7-year-old boy.

See it in a minute. 

Again Shiite Muslims are gunned down by Sunni Muslim Terrorists in Pakistan.

October 4, 2011


Photo : Pakistanis mourn over the death of their relative killed in a firing incident, at a local hospital in Quetta, Pakistan on Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2011. (AP Photo/Arshad Butt)

Gunmen attack Shiite Muslims in Pakistan, kill 13

Courtesy to Source : The Associated Press

Date: Tuesday Oct. 4, 2011 7:44 AM ET || Ziqa’ad 5, 1432

QUETTA, Pakistan — Suspected Sunni extremists executed 13 Shiite Muslims after ordering them off a bus and lining them up Tuesday in southwestern Pakistan, ramping up a campaign of sectarian violence that has exposed Islamabad’s inability to protect minorities.

Sunni militants with links to al Qaeda and the Taliban have carried out scores of bombings and shootings across the country against minority Shiites in recent years, but this summer has been especially bloody in Baluchistan province, with at least four major attacks since May.

The gunmen who attacked Tuesday were riding on motorbikes and stopped a bus carrying mostly Shiite Muslims who were headed to work at a vegetable market on the outskirts of Quetta, the capital of Baluchistan province, said police official Hamid Shakeel.

The attackers forced the people off the bus, made them stand in a line and then opened fire, said Shakeel.

The dead included 13 Shiites and one Sunni, he said. Six people were wounded — four Shiites and two Sunnis.

Local TV footage showed relatives wailing at the hospital where the dead and wounded were brought. One relative hugged a wounded man as another walked by, his clothes soaked with blood.

Shiites blocked the main highway on the outskirts of Quetta to protest the killings. They also set fire to the bus that had taken the dead and wounded to the hospital.

Sunni extremists carried out a similar attack on Shiite pilgrims travelling through Baluchistan via bus about two weeks ago, killing 26 people.

Both incidents targeted the Hazaras, a Shiite tribe that lives in Pakistan and Afghanistan, where they have also been attacked by Sunni militants. Security forces in the Baluchistan region, who are also battling separatist rebels, have proved largely powerless to stop the violence.

Pakistan is a majority Sunni Muslim state, with around 15 per cent Shiite.

Most Sunnis and Shiites live together peacefully in Pakistan, though tensions have existed for decades.

In the 1980s and 1990s, Pakistan became the scene of a proxy war between mostly Shiite Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia, with both sides funneling money to sectarian groups that regularly targeted each other.

The level of sectarian violence has declined somewhat since then, but attacks continue. In recent years, Sunni attacks on Shiites have been far more common.

The groups have been energized by al Qaeda and the Taliban, which are also Sunni and share the belief that Shiites are infidels and it is permissible to kill them. The Sunni-Shiite schism over the true heir to Islam’s Prophet Muhammad dates back to the seventh century.

Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, one of the country’s most ruthless Sunni militant groups, claimed responsibility for the attack in Baluchistan two weeks ago. One of its alleged leaders, Malik Ishaq, was released from prison on bail in July after being held for 14 years on charges, never proven, of killing Shiites.

Ishaq was re-arrested about a week ago after making inflammatory speeches against Shiites in the country. He was not charged but detained under a public order act, which means he can be held for three months.

It’s not clear whether Ishaq’s speeches have been connected to the recent wave of sectarian attacks.

Other reports for this topic :

Click here> Angry MPs call for resignations over Balochistan killings..

ISLAMABAD: The National Assembly was outraged across party lines on Tuesday by the killing of at least 13 people in a sectarian attack near Quetta, with some government allies demanding that the interior minister and the Balochistan chief minister resign and the federal government impose governor’s rule in the troubled province. ….. eDAWN.  <Click here.

Four policemen killed and Fifteen others injured in bomb attack on police convoy in Torghar district, Pakistan.

October 3, 2011

The policemen appointed on a three-year contract were going to Abbottabad for training. — Dawn File photo

Four killed in bomb attack on police convoy

MANSEHRA||2nd October, 2011 : Four policemen were killed and 15 others injured when a bomb blast ripped through their convoy in Torghar district (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province) on Saturday (on 1st oct) .

“The bomb planted on Torghar-Thakot road was detonated by remote control. It hit one of the three vehicles in the convoy. Four policemen were killed and 15 others injured,” Torghar district police officer Fareed Khan told reporters at the DHQ Hospital in Battagram.

The policemen appointed on a three-year contract were going to Abbottabad for training.

It was the first terrorist attack in Torghar since President Asif Ali Zardari changed its tribal status and made it a district through a notification issued on Jan 27 this year.

Soon after the attack, security personnel cordoned off the area and took the injured to a heath facility in Shahgai from where they were shifted to hospitals in Battagram and Abbottabad.

The deceased were identified as Naqeebullah, Mohammad Nadeem, Rafeeullah and Fazlur Rehman.

“Two vehicles had passed safely. The blast occurred when our vehicle was passing through the area. I don’t know what happened after that,” said Habibullah Ahmad, an injured constable.

DPO Fareed said one of the policemen died on the spot, two in the DHQ Hospital and another on way to Ayub Medical Complex in Abbottabad.

Eight of the injured were taken to the DHQ Hospital and seven to Ayub Medical Complex.

In reply to a question, he said it would be premature to say who was behind the attack.

According to the bomb disposal squad, which reached the area four hours after the incident, the bomb was packed with 10-12 kilograms of locally-made explosive.

Courtesy : Dawn.

PAK-ISI using the Haqqani network for a proxy war: US

September 22, 2011

Haqqani network is a “veritable arm” of ISI: Mullen

Agencies |Shawwal 23, 1432 | Thursday 22nd September 2011 

WASHINGTON: The US military’s top officer bluntly accused Pakistan on Thursday of “exporting” violent extremism to Afghanistan through proxies and warned of possible US action to protect American troops.

In a severe indictment of Pakistan’s links with terror groups, top US military commander Thursday said the ISI provided support to the Haqqani terror network in carrying out the recent attack on the country’s embassy in Kabul.

“The Haqqani network, for one, acts as a veritable arm of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Agency. With ISI support, Haqqani operatives planned and conducted that truck bomb attack, as well as the assault on our embassy,” Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in his testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee.

“We also have credible intelligence that they were behind the June 28th attack against the Inter-Continental Hotel in Kabul and a host of other smaller but effective operations,” he said.

“In choosing to use violent extremism as an instrument of policy, the government of Pakistan — and most especially the Pakistani Army and ISI — jeopardises not only the prospect of our strategic partnership, but also Pakistan’s opportunity to be a respected nation with legitimate regional influence,” Mullen said.

He said Pakistan may believe that by using these proxies they are hedging their bets, or redressing what they feel is an imbalance of regional power but in reality, they have already lost that bet.

“By exporting violence, they have eroded their internal security and their position in the region. They have undermined their international credibility and threatened their economic well-being.

“Only a decision to break with this policy can pave the road to a positive future for Pakistan,” Mullen said.

The Admiral added, “As you know, I have expended enormous energy on this relationship. I’ve met with General Kayani more than two dozen times — including a two-and-a-half hour meeting last weekend in Spain.

“I’ve done this because I believe in the importance of Pakistan to the region, because I believe that we share a common interest against terrorism, and because I recognise the great political and economic difficulties Pakistan faces.”

Referring to his meetings with Pakistan Army chief in the past two years, Mullen said some may argue he have wasted his time, that Pakistan is no closer to US than before… and may now have drifted even further away.

“I disagree. Military cooperation is warming. Information flow between us and across the border is quickening. Transparency is returning, slowly,” he noted.

“With Pakistan’s help we have disrupted al-Qaeda and its senior leadership in the border regions and degraded its ability to plan and conduct terror attacks.

“Indeed, I think we would be in a far tougher situation today, in the wake of the frostiness which fell over us after the bin Laden raid, were it not for the groundwork General Kayani and I had laid — were it not for the fact that we could at least have a conversation about the way ahead, however difficult that conversation might be,” Mullen said.

He said what matters most right now is moving forward.

While the relationship must be guided by clear principles to which both sides adhere, Mullen said “we can no longer focus solely on the most obvious issues.”

“We should help create more stakeholders in Pakistan’s prosperity, help the Pakistani people address their economic, political, and internal security challenges, and promote Indo-Pak cooperation on the basis of true sovereign equality,” Mullen said.

Courtesy : Dawn | DNA | Reuters.

Gunmen attack bus carrying Shia pilgrims in Pakistan’s Balochistan province. 26 killed shoot out in two rows.

September 20, 2011

Pakistan bus attack: victims' families gather outside a hospital in Quetta after gunmen attacked a bus carrying Shia Muslim pilgrims. Suspected Lashkar-e-Jhangvi militants behind the attack. Photograph: Banaras Khan/AFP/Getty

At least 26 Pakistani Shia pilgrims killed in gun attack after forcing them out, kept in row & shoot at sight. This is the definition of Islam by Islamists.

The pain and tears of Siahs do not reach to Allah and Mohammad as well. The Shia community has in recent years been subjected to numerous attacks by Taliban - Deobandi Islamists.

ISLAMABAD | Tuesday 20th September 2011 | Shawwal 22, 1432: Bike-borne unidentified gunmen today shot dead at least 26 Shia Muslim pilgrims in cold-blood in southwest Pakistan’s Balochistan province after forcing them out of a bus.

A bus carrying Shia pilgrims, which was going from provincial capital Quetta to the border town of Taftan, was stopped by the gunmen in Mastung district of Balochistan, an area considered to be the hub of banned Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.

The gunmen ordered the passengers out of the bus and lined them up before firing at them indiscriminately.

At least 26 people were killed and six others were seriously injured, Deputy Commissioner Shah Nawaz Nosharwani told the media.

The injured were taken to hospitals in Quetta, located about 40 km from Mastung.

The four gunmen who carried out the attack escaped on motorcycles. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Mastung is considered a hub of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, a notorious sectarian group that has carried out many attacks on Shias across Pakistan.

There was confusion about the total number of passengers in the bus, with reports putting the figure between 38 and 50.

The Shias were travelling to Taftan, a border town from where they intended to cross over to Iran for a pilgrimage.

Members of the minority Shia community have been repeatedly attacked in Balochistan, including in the provincial capital Quetta.

Courtesy : AP | AFP | Reuters | TOI.